Correctional Center in Nome, Alaska Offers Job Training Workshops to Help Inmates Re-enter Society

In Nome, Alaska, the Anvil Mountain Correctional Center (AMCC) works with stakeholders in the community to help inmates re-enter society. As described by, one of these collaborations offers job training to inmates.

The AMCC holds these classes monthly, and as of October 2016, had four female inmates enrolled.   The facility’s Institution Probation Officer, Joe Jennetten, supervises the inmates. They currently receive training in the Job Center on how to write cover letters and resumes.

Jennetten spoke about why he likes this class. He finds that it gives the inmates the “mindset that there is hope,” as they develop skills that they will be able to present to potential employers. He mentioned fidelity bonding and tax credits as great tools that are under-utilized.

This probation officer has been involved with the job training class for both male and female inmates for around six months. He has found it to be a success that is appreciated by the inmates at the end of the session.

Another way AMCC is hoping to facilitate re-entry into society is to offer inmates the chance to get GEDs, but unfortunately the correctional center currently lacks an educational coordinator. The Alaska Department of Corrections is in charge of hiring for this position, and the local probation and correctional officers have no input into the decision.

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Another struggle for the AMCC is how to handle inmates who have been arrested and are detoxing from drugs. Unfortunately, Nome lacks a detox center, and the AMCC cannot deal with such individuals.

Probation Officer Jennetten will continue working with Vickie Erickson from the Nome Job Center to offer these job training classes. The next workshop will focus on all-male inmates and will be held later in October 2016.